CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 3 LAUREATES: Jane Boussalem (rural Queensland) ; Kelsey Cooper (Tasmania) and Jasmine Sotiroulis (rural South Australia).


FATFA, in conjunction with the French Embassy, is delighted to announce three $500 bursaries to support Australian French teachers and their students in 2024.

The funds can be used to finance either teacher professional development e.g. contribution to the cost of a course designed to upskill or maintain language skills, of an event or a conference such as the biennial FATFA conference in Perth in November 2024 [link to dedicated page on website], MLTA or an association conference (including travel, accommodation or registration expenses), or a student event e.g. to celebrate Semaine de la Francophonie (16-24 March 2024), to promote French in your establishment, to subsidise a guest speaker or an excursion.

To apply:

Please note that applicants must be members of their state or territory French Teachers’ association.

In 300 words maximum, detail the event, your objective in attending/organising the event, and potential benefits, as well as a provisional budget and any other contextual information that you deem relevant.

Applications should be sent to the President of FATFA, Sabine Kuuse sabine.kuuse@uwa.edu.au and the Secretary of FATFA, Erin Peters emmcn0@eq.edu.au

Deadline: 5pm Friday February 16, 2024.

Applications will be assessed on their own merit relative to their objectives, reach and pedagogical relevance. Successful applicants will be notified by Thursday February 29, and the money will be available in early March; it must be spent by the end of 2024.

Successful applicants will need to provide evidence of how the money was spent e.g. receipts, photos and a paragraph detailing the event and its benefit to you/your students.